Annual Trophy Ceremony
The culmination of each season will take place in the form of the award ceremony, where the trophy winners will be honored.
The trophy shall be transferred immediately or as quickly as reasonably possible once the final match between all of the California teams has occurred.
If the final match is between the prior year’s trophy holder and the new year’s trophy winner: The prior year’s holder shall bring it to the match and surrender it immediately at the completion of the match.
Otherwise, the prior year’s holder shall provide photo evidence of the trophy’s location within 15 minutes of the completion of the match, and arrange for transfer at a mutually agreeable time. The new holder must arrange for pickup of the trophy or cover any shipping expenses if they prefer not to pick it up.
The new winner of the trophy shall be responsible for hosting the Annual Trophy Ceremony and bearing any associated expenses. If the new winner declines to host the ceremony, or is not an official member of the El Camino Real Trophy, then an award ceremony will be held on their behalf, either in person or virtually, as determined by the Trophy Board.